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Vitamins For Skin Care

2020.06.01 0+

The entire human body is affected by the things we put into it. It is also known that some vitamins can rejuvenate the skin. Before there were certain medications for some skin conditions, doctors were relying only on vitamins to cure them.

What kind of skin conditions respond well to vitamins?


Adequate intake of vitamins will make skin healthier, but if a person lacks vitamins A, C, D or E, which are the most important, skin can look lifeless. Acne, skin eruptions and psoriasis are some of the other skin problems that can be treated with vitamin consumption.

Can Vitamin A treat acne?

Vitamin A is widely used in skin care and a daily dose will hugely diminish acne. If it is not bringing the best results, retinoids can be applied directly to the skin.

Does Eczema respond well to the vitamins?

Inositol is a very useful substance in this case and it works most of the times.

What skin conditions can some other vitamins treat and what are their benefits for the skin?

Vitamin B-2, or Riboflavin, is important for the skin balance. It is also known to heal cracks and sores of mouth and lips.Vitamin B-6 can help in healing all sorts of skin eruptions and rashes, especially dermatitis. Niacin is a popular B vitamin that treats canker sores and plays a major role in healthy skin maintenance. Pantothenic acid helps in cell building, which preserves the health and strength of the skin. It treats burning feet as well. Not only does vitamin C assist with the excessive burning and prevention of broken capillaries, it also helps in wound healing. It is an important vitamin and should be consumed more.Vitamin E can prevent and treat a dry skin and the skin damage caused by excessive exposure to the sun. It is also known for slowing down the aging of the cells. It diminishes stretch marks and can treat nipples that are sore from nursing.

Are large doses of vitamins safe?

Fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D and E, can store up in a body and build up in time, so large doses are not recommendable. Water-soluble vitamins, on the other hand, are quickly eliminated from the body, so their consumption in varying quantities is safe.

How do fat-soluble vitamins benefit the skin?

A right amount of these vitamins in a person's diet can prevent problems from showing up and maintain a healthy skin.

Are these supplements needed or can they be all obtained from the food?

If a diet is right, this should be possible but in most cases it is not.


The usage of vitamins, either orally or topically, will prevent or treat most skin conditions. However, a healthy diet is important in order for vitamins to do their job.