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One tequila, two

2019.11.26 0+

One tequila, two


Better health through tequila? Maybe the buzz isn't all it's cracked up to be - but at least we've got a delicious recipe for watermelon margarita

Social media has been abuzz of late with news that drinking tequila can aid in weight loss. Don't start lining your frosted glasses with lime and salt just yet, though.

In a recent study, researchers from a university in Mexico claimed that agavin, a natural form of sugar found in the agave plant, doesn't raise blood glucose levels and can be used as an alternative sweetener for people who have type-2 diabetes or who wish to lose weight.

Unfortunately, those health benefits don't really extend to tequila, because in the distillation process to make the Mexican spirit, all that health-giving agavin gets converted into unhealthy ethanol.

The good news, though, is that even without agavins, tequila packs no more calories per ounce than scotch, rye, rum, gin or vodka. In terms of carbs, however, tequila loses out to all of these other spirits. When it comes to mixed drinks, wine and beer, tequila doesn't fare too well, either.

A margarita has as many calories as a pint of dark Irish dry stout. Red and white wine and cosmopolitans are at the low end of the calorie spectrum, while rum and colas, mojitos and a certain popular beer from the Philippines are way up there at the top. Hong Kong's favorite lager and gin and tonics are in the middle.

But just so we don't leave tequila lovers crying at the bar with all this bad news about their favorite beverage, here's a great recipe for a deliciously refreshing watermelon margarita.

Because there's no added sugar, it's lower in calories than the average 'rita:

? 3? cups seeded watermelon, cubed

? ? cup white tequila

? 3 tbsp lime juice

? 1 tbsp triple sec

? 2 cups ice

? Sea salt and lime wedges (for rim ming the glasses)

Puree the watermelon together with the tequila, lime juice and triple sec in a blender. Strain the mixture and pour into a container. (This can keep in your refrigerator for a few days.) Crush the ice in the blender, then fill salt-and lime-rimmed glasses with the ice. Pour the margarita mixture over the top and garnish each glass with a lime wedge.

And remember, if you can't drink healthily, drink responsibly. Salud!